Is there really that much left to do in world missions? I don't think that any rational Independent Baptist would even ask the question. However, it may be that how we have traditionally approached the mission has left many gaps in world evangelization. Is doing things the way we have always done things the best strategy in every case?
As an Independent Fundamental Baptist I have been given an overwhelming passion to see God glorified world-wide through the means He has chosen - the evangelization of all the peoples of the world through churches planting churches. Personally, by the call of God, this has meant preparing for such a work among unreached peoples in a "closed" country.
There are many passions that I have which are related to this primary one. These form the foundation for this blog. Some of these passions include:
- informing Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFBs) of the remaining world task
- challenging them to think Biblically and strategically concerning the task
- mobilizing them to take the Name of Christ to peoples who have never heard it, in ways they may not have considered, with a passion they had not felt before, and
- providing resources that will aid in all the above.
I pray this blog will be of benefit to you and our movement, and will act as a catalyst for fulfilling our world mission. The next post will occur in a couple weeks. There will be major posts weekly thereafter, and more frequently as I see fit.